Jesse Meryl Coleman
This is my Marine Son, there are many like him,
but this one is mine. My son is my best friend and he is my life.
My son could never be useless. Without him, I am not useless
either, just lonely. I must keep my son safe. I must pray
harder than the mother of the enemy who is trying to kill him.
I pray that they shoot at each other and they both miss.
My son and myself and other Marine moms know that what counts
in this war is not the rounds that are fired, the noise of
their burst or the smoke they make. We know it is coming
home in one piece that counts. They will come home.
My son is human, even as I, because he is my life.
Therefore I know him like myself. I know his strengths,
his weaknesses, his thoughts, his hopes and his dreams.
I will do my best to ever guard him against the ravages of
war. I was there for him before this war and I will be
there when it is over. I will.
Before God I swear this creed. My son is a defender of our
country, a master of the enemy and the center of my life.
So be it, until his four long years with the great Corp
are over and there are no more deployments, just peace
in our hearts.
"Jesse at work” Dec 2005 in Iraq
Jesse's first batallion in Iraq deployment in 2005
Jesse (son) and Jody (daughter) on the day Jesse got home from his first tour in Iraq, Feb 11th 05.